Post-Holiday Divorce
Inquiries Spike as Individuals Vow to be Happier Next Year
holidays are almost upon us. On December
26th, as many people will hit the malls to return unwanted Christmas
presents and shop post-holiday sales, others will go online to begin their
search for a divorce attorney.
post-Christmas and New Year’s surge to find a divorce attorney is almost upon
us. As I have told people for years, the
time between December 26 and the end of January is when I receive the largest
number of inquiries from potential divorce clients seeking a divorce in
the post-holiday rush for divorce attorneys?
Although in a troubled marriage, many people decide to hold out through
the holidays and do not want to cause a disruption for themselves or their
families during what should be a festive and joyous time from Thanksgiving
through Christmas. Others make a simple
New Year’s resolution: “I am going to be
happier next year.” And oftentimes being
happier involves divorcing or separating from a spouse.
you are one of those individuals who is seeking divorce information during the
post holiday season, you can call my office to schedule an initial consultation
where I will be happy to address any questions you may have about divorce in
the State of Maryland. It
is a new year, resolve to be happier.