Tuesday, August 27, 2013

(Adulterous) Sex in the City: DC Ranks Second in Nation for Mistresses

District of Columbia divorce lawyers rejoice.  According to Ashley Madison, the web site dedicated to promoting extra-marital affairs, D.C. ranks second in the nation for the number of mistresses, trailing only Los Angeles.
Incredibly, the Nation’s Capital, where at least half the lawmakers are sent to protect and promote traditional American family values, is a hotbed of marital infidelity.  Los Angeles, which is influenced by the moral promiscuity of Hollywood, is understandable, but DC, the home of perceived boring wonks, policymakers and government bureaucrats?
To find out why there are so many philandering men in Washington (Ashley Madison’s survey only reported on the number of mistresses, not unfaithful wives), I spoke to clinical psychologist Dr. Nicole Stern, who also happens to be my wife.  According to Nicole, it is not surprising that so many Washingtonian males are having affairs because wealth and power tend to foster both a sense of narcissism and entitlement among the men who possess those attributes.  Nicole stated:  “Having money and power frequently fosters the false belief that one is entitled to having what he wants, when he wants it.  Narcissists often think they are above the law and above respecting their marriage vows.  In the case of elected officials, being revered by young staffers, together with the fact that they are often physically separated from their spouses, creates an environment that is ripe for straying and cheating.  And this environment extends throughout the City, to the corridors of K Street and beyond.”

Is your rich and powerful husband claiming he’s working late?  Maybe he is. Or maybe he’s not.


Friday, August 16, 2013

Your Fashion Style Will be Judged - Fashion Faux Paus in Court Revisited

Back in 2011, I wrote a blog about courtroom attire and how inappropriately dressed litigants, witnesses and others appearing before the Court in Montgomery County, Maryland were.  (Courtroom Attire:  Avoid a Fashion Faux Paus.)  I suggested that if you were appearing before the Court you should dress appropriately, meaning slacks and long sleeve shirts for men and conservative attire for women.

Apparently, I was not the only one noticing the decline in fashion decorum in the Courtroom.  In Jefferson County, Illinois, the Sheriff has banned individuals from wearing muscle shirts, halter tops and other inappropriate clothingThe Jefferson County Sheriff joins judges from Kent County, Delaware who have similarly banned inappropriate attire.  Judges in Detroit share a similar view.

People, just because Southwest Airlines lets you wear it on a plane, does not mean that it is appropriate for Court.  As I advised in 2011, appearances matter.  Look nice for Court.  It sends a message.

Bruce L. Stern, Esq.